Ocho Grill does a fab job at combining healthy with tasty and friendly staff with nice surroundings! Michelle P @ Yelp
en • trée • ä • tion noun \ahn-tray-a-shun\
Definition of ENTRÉE-ATION
1 : the main course of a meal pieced together from Ocho's selection of all-natural proteins and fresh produce
Examples of ENTRÉE-ATION
There are 800 ways to eat Ocho and these entrée-ations below are just a few of them:
It's totally D.I.Y. when you eat Ocho. Pick-and-choose. Mix-and-match. Top it-and-spice it. Ocho's palette of all-natural proteins and fresh-made toppings and salsas is yours to create a picture-perfect entrée that is not only pleasing to the senses, but also beneficial to your health.
If you're a foodie, who indulges in a bit of food porn from time to time, have we ever got a proposition for you. Next time you eat Ocho:
1. Snap a pic of your entrée-ation.
2. Submit your entrée-ation to Ocho via Facebook, Twitter or Google+
3. Be sure to include the hashtag, #entreeation or #eatOcho, in your post.
4. Share your pic with your friends.
The entrée-ation with the most +1s, retweets, likes and shares will win a free lunch on the house. One winner will be announced weekly on our Facebook page. Their entrée-ation will be forever immortalized on our Pinterest page for all to see. Enter today.